Helping people find sustainable housing

It’s less than a month since our last update and our message today is Go, Go, Go!
The EppoPay team is focused: build, lock in clients and get it right. 

What does that mean?

1.  Build 🔩
- Heman has deployed the team - they are working on strategy, design, configuration, code and UX
- Leslie is creating the marketing content to support the Landlord and Tenant experience
- We are all creating regular communications that will inform tenants
The project plan is in place and we are executing!

2.  Lock in Clients 🏙️
- Our pipeline of landlords is in place. A variety of landlords - small and large - are excited about EppoPay

- Engage the first few partner landlords - we will work very closely with them as they will play an integral role in making EppoPay successful
- Deliver a clear onboarding plan with granular details 
The client is gold!

3.  Get it right ✨
- Legal, legal, legal
- Contracts are being written and reviewed
- Regulatory checks are being finalized
- Controls around the system are designed     
EppoPay will be handling people’s money and we take that very seriously!


Barry and I just came back from Dominica, a small island in the Caribbean hit hard by Hurricane Maria in 2017; 98% of the roofs on the island were severely damaged or destroyed!  Now the island is vibrant. The people are motivated, energetic and resilient.

As we toured the town of Portsmouth, I thought about the importance of having a roof over your head.  In the US, where homelessness is a big problem, we have studies that document the importance of shelter.  Homelessness has severe and lasting consequences; we have measured rapid declines in physical health, mental health and likelihood of employment. Helping people find sustainable housing is central to building strong communities.  

Time to test your knowledge of the market

1. How many in the US were homeless on any given night in 2018
    a. 550,000 
    b. 250,000
    c. 750,000 

2. What is the prevalence of mental health problems for homeless school-age children as compared to poor children?
    a. 10 times higher
    b. 6 times higher
    c. 4 times higher

3.  We know that evictions and health problems are correlated.  What is the percentage point increase in emergency room utilization due to mental health within two years following evictions?
    a. 16
    b. 9
    c. 4

Here's what comes next:


  • Go, Go, Go - We’re wearing our running shoes now 👟!

  • Quarterly communications to our EppoPay investors

  • Formalize our board of advisors; we feel the love and want the support!

Leslie Hyman
 Update 6
February 2020

Answers 1.a  2. c 3. b 


Covid-19 has us worried for struggling Americans


Flexible Payments for Rent are on their way!