Updates Leslie Hyman Updates Leslie Hyman

Circa has been accepted to Techstars!

After a competitive application process, we are one of 10 companies selected for the inaugural cohort of the Roux Institute TechStars Accelerator in Portland, Maine. Techstars is a global network of founders, corporate partners, and experienced mentors that helps founding teams succeed. This accelerator is a collaboration between Techstars and the Roux Institute at Northeastern University.

Circa has come a long way. We offer a powerful, proven combination of features including flexible rent payments, reporting to the credit bureaus, friendly messaging to residents, and simplified arrears planning. Circa has a positive impact for our residents, their financial security, and their peace of mind. Circa gives properties cost-saving efficiencies that improve their bottom line. True to our mission, we are strengthening communities through payment innovation!

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Updates Leslie Hyman Updates Leslie Hyman

April 2020, Stay Well

In this stay-at-home-world, travel has stopped, and yet the noise of the media streams by at break-neck speed. It's April and I want to send warmth and love. My message is simple. Stay well, reach out to those you love or anyone in need of support. And, know that the EppoPay team understands that there is no better time than now to be building a system to help people pay their bills.

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Updates Leslie Hyman Updates Leslie Hyman

Flexible Payments for Rent are on their way!

At EppoPay, we have much to be happy about. We are thrilled to announce that we are closing our first round of seed funding. 🎉The interest level is motivating - we were oversubscribed - 26% over our goal! A special thanks and very warm welcome to those who invested - we are honored to have you on board. And, for those who did not invest this round, there will be a next time to become part of the EppoPay family. With the first shot of capital, EppoPay is on its way to grow, influence and make a difference in the world. We are committed to our mission and will continue to communicate as we go.

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